Friday, December 19, 2008

A Shower

Funny title, huh?? I just wanted to talk about the importance of a shower in the morning. I have been getting very little sleep since Pea-Dad's surgery, so my mornings are pretty foggy. I was not able to get a shower yesterday morning, so I was not only tired, but I also felt pretty gross. My day pretty much felt the same way. It was a tired and yucky day! Today however is a very different day! Pea-Dad took 2 pain pills last night so he slept, which meant I slept. Woohoo! I was able to get up, get a shower and get all 3 kids off to school and daycare. Got to work and my attitude has been much better. So, in all fairness to sleep, the difference was a shower and defintely more sleep. Not a lot more, but enough to make a difference. Starting to feel more like myself. I cancelled my Weight Watchers membership today. $40 a month that I don't need to spend. I know what to do and I just need to do it and save the $480 a year! I can spend that money on more creative pursuits.

I thank my lucky stars for....

Good Friends
Crystal Light Peach Tea
My new "For the Love of Nie" t-shirt
Creative Pursuits
The Inspired Inchie swap
Good Pain Killers for My Hubby
My 2 year old speaking clearer
Food made by others
My Little Pony (blinking figure)
Centergy (

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