Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day 7

Happy Turkey Day! Today is society's ultimate day of gratitude. Although, today is the official day of thanks, I would like my children to understand that everyday should be a day of thanks. It's the little things in everyday life that would should recognize and be thankful for. The other thing I have been focusing on lately is the fact that everything is a choice. We each make a conscious decision on how we choose to react to every situation. For instance, as I am typing, my 2.5 year old is whining and crying that he wants to watch Dora. Whining to me is almost as bad as fingernails on a chalk board. However, I am making the choice to not react to his whining. Is it taking everything in my being, YES, but I am waiting it out. OK, he is distracted now and back to Mickey Mouse.

Full of appreciation for:

1. My husband
2. Target brand disinfecting wipes
3. Dora and Diego
4. Orville popcorn
5.Chatterbox journaling fonts
6. Creative people
7. The Pioneer Woman ( Check out the love story!
8. A message of thanks (
9. Sale papers (even though I won't be buying anything)
10. Nestle Hot Chocolate with mini marshmallows
11. The legacy of Randy Pausch
12. Time on my hands!

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